Web Projector
Web Project is an app for projecting songs or announcements from an Android device. By connecting to the local ip address of the device, you can display song or announcements via any web browser on a connected projector.

Song list



Wear with prev/next

- Runs on any Android device with a wifi connection.
- Web based allows for projection to any remote projector with any connected device that has a javascript supported web browser.
- Change to next, previous song, announcement using Android Wear device.
- Built in Web Server for mirroring display across many devices.
- Add, remove, change order of songs and slides (announcements) in lists.
- Add, edit, delete songs and slides on the fly.
- Add, delete, choose background.
- Create mp3 recordings from phone, external connected, or bluetooth microphone.
- Add, rename, delete recordings from list.
- Live mode for full screen image on any device.
- Swipe or use web buttons to change songs and slides.
- Support for Behringer X-air series mixers for volume controls.
- Support for Epson WiFi projectors for wireless viewing.
- Support for DLNA projectors.
- Optional Desktop version.
Notify Me
Flash the camera LED on receipt of notification. Automatically enable or disable sound, vibrate or flash by time and GPS location. Also set a repeat interval for notifications. Choose which apps will trigger notification.

Main Menu

Profile settings
(showing drag and drop)

Choose Apps for alert

Alarm Settings

- NEW!!! – Dark Mode!
- Alarm Clock. Vibration sensitive! Turn off by tapping screen or table!
- Backup and restore all settings.
- Drag and drop arrange GPS and time settings.
- Unlimited Alarm Clock alarms.
- Unlimited GPS locations.
- Unlimited times by day of week and before/after.
- Choice of alert using the camera flash LED, vibrate, both or none.
- Set repeat interval.
- Test alert.
- Disable app (temporarily disabling app from processing notifications).
- Email support within app.
Easy Speech Timer
Easy Speech timer for use in public speaking with power saving features.

Portrait, bouncing with timer running

Landscape, dimmed with clock

Wear control

Settings on one page
- Main features.
- Works in portrait or landscape.
- Configurable screen on and off times.
- Disable screen timeout.
- Double press back button to exit to avoid accidental quit.
- Display clock instead of timer.
- Bounce text around screen (like a screen saver).
- Power saving features:
- Set display brightness
- Intermittently cycle between screen off and on. Ex. Cycle between display on for 10 seconds and display off for 30 seconds.